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Meditation Classes: No Experience Necessary

Workshops: Ancient Knowledge for the Modern World

Personal Healing Sessions: In Person or Distance

Meditation Classes

Divine Shakti Mantra Meditation

Meditation is first and foremost for your soul.  It focuses and/or redirects the mind with the least resistance.

And it teaches us to be in a state of attention without tension.

Meditation opens the doors to your consciousness.

Mantras, as precise formulae, are the keys to the doors of consciousness.

You can remember what life has taught you to forget, and return to the knowingness of no minding, no needing.

You can experience the Stillness of no being, as your sense of ego and personality dissolve back into the Silence.

The  transition back into our 3D world brings that Stillness into this ofttimes busy and stressful world.


Soul Growth and Training

The soul wants to open and know its consciousness like a child learning to know itself. It has to understand its energy, what makes it operate and then it can instruct its mind.

Soul training leads to natural problem-solving, understanding the unfathomable, restoring balance and leading change.

Meditation trains the soul to direct the consciousness rather than the ego-centric mind manipulating the consciousness.

Personal Healing Sessions

In Person, or Distance

Hands-on and/or mantra based practices all produce powerful healing.

Whether in person or long-distance, healing sessions deliver results.

Experience channels accessing the pure forms of unadulterated energy.

Mantras retrain the attention of the mind to direct towards the soul and soul-consciousness, raising soul intelligence and true wisdom.

Mantras release blocks that keep energy stuck, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

You can become enabled to think, feel and act differently.

You can take this healing out into your world, to share the power of these forms with others in need.

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